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Waste "contaminated soils" include soils and soils accumulating (accumulating) chemical, biological or other pollutants, Waste is formed as a result of anthropogenic activities, the results of which soils (soils) lose technological, nutritional and hygienic-sanitary value.

The main criterion of environmental pollution by various substances is the manifestation of signs of harmful effects of these substances in the environment on certain species of living organisms. Ecological danger is that in the natural environment in comparison with natural levels the content of certain chemicals is exceeded due to their receipt from anthropogenic sources.

The main soil pollutants are organic and inorganic substances (pollutants):
1) inorganic pollutants include:
- heavy metal;
- mineral salts and substances (fertilizers, cyanides, asbestos, deicing reagents, etc.));
- inorganic acids (chromic acids, etc.)
- toxic alkalis, etc.
2) To the organic pollutants are:
- low molecular weight organic compounds (organochlorine pesticides (HOP), herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, aromatic amines);
- PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, fluoranthene, pyrene, naphthalene, etc.));
- Khos (organochlorine compounds);
- phenols;
- oil and oil products (oil sludge, fuel oil, kerosene, gasoline, various solvents;
- dyes (paints, varnishes, related products);
- organic acids, etc.
3)in Addition, the release of radioactive and biological pollutants.

To clean soils from pollution, it is necessary to use a set of measures aimed at the removal, localization or destruction of polluting soil components for their environmental rehabilitation (restoration).
Depending on the degree of soil (soil) pollution there are 5 categories (according to SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for soil quality"), for which there are recommendations for their use:
- Clean - use without restrictions;
- Acceptable - Use without restrictions, except in high-risk;
- Moderately dangerous-Use in the course of construction works under the backfilling of pits and pits, in areas of landscaping with the backfilling of a layer of clean soil of not less than 0.2 m;
- Dangerous-Limited use for dumping pits and pits with overlapping layer of clean soil not less than 0.5 m.
In the presence of epidemiological risk - use after disinfection (disinfestation) by order of the authorities of the state sanitary and epidemiological service with the subsequent laboratory control;
- Extremely dangerous-Removal and disposal of at landfills. In the presence of epidemiological danger-use after disinfection (disinfection) on the instructions of the state sanitary service with subsequent laboratory control.

Specialists of the "Ekouniversal" can advise on the treatment of this waste to calculate the degree of soil pollution and dispose of waste contaminated soil. The works are carried out in accordance with the current environmental legislation, on the basis of current permits and licenses.

To calculate the cost of transportation and disposal, you can use the calculator provided on the website. Or contact our Manager by multi-channel phone 8-800-1006606 (toll free).
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