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Medical waste is removed from the General system of regulation of waste management (item 2 of Art. 2 of the Federal law of 24.06.1998 N 89-FZ "on production and consumption waste"). When handling medical waste, it is necessary to comply with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements established by SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the treatment of medical waste".

- features of the treatment of medical waste of class B -

Medical waste of class B consists of objects contaminated with waste or biological fluids of patients; biological fluids; food residues, which fed patients. These wastes must be disinfected before disposal. This is done by physical or chemical means. Only then it is allowed to recycle. Otherwise, even if burned, harmful, toxic substances will enter the atmosphere.

1) Collection
It is carried out in a single soft or hard packaging yellow or yellow marked. Soft packaging should be fixed on special racks-carts or containers. Movement outside the unit in open containers is not allowed. Disposable containers are marked with the inscription " Waste. Class B " with the application of the name of the organization, division, date and name of the person responsible for waste collection. Disinfection of reusable containers within the organization is carried out daily. Pathological-anatomical and organic operational waste is subject to cremation or burial in cemeteries in special graves. Decontamination of such waste is not required.
(2) Accumulation
The accumulation of more than 24 hours of class B untreated waste is carried out in cold stores or freezers. The use of refrigeration equipment intended for the accumulation of waste for other purposes is not allowed. In small medical organizations accumulation in the capacities placed in subsidiary premises is allowed. The access of unauthorized persons into the premises of the medical waste accumulation prohibited.
3) Transportation
Reusable containers should be washed and disinfected after each emptying. Specialized vehicles are used to transport class B untreated waste, and their use for other purposes is not permitted.

Medical waste can be disposed of in several ways:
- Incineration in incinerators.
- Steam treatment with temperatures above 100 ° C.
- Chemical disinfection.
- Treatment by microwaves.
- Sterilization with infrared radiation.
The choice of a specific disposal method depends on the type and class of medical waste.

Understanding potential danger of medical waste, LLC Ekouniversal we offer the services in professional and correct utilization of medical waste of a class b the competent experts having special professional education work in our company. We have all the necessary permits for the disposal of waste class

To calculate the cost of transportation and disposal, you can use the calculator provided on the website. Or contact our Manager by multi-channel phone 8-800-1006606 (toll free).
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